Laptop, iMac & Computer Repair in Birmingham

Laptop Battery Replacement

When Would I Require A Laptop Battery Replacement?

When you use your laptop does your battery decrease rapidly? If so then it is advisable that you get a laptop battery replacement.

laptop battery replacement birmingham

Why Isn’t My Laptop Battery Working Effectively?

After time your laptops battery wont be as efficient due to the number of hours it is used a day. Laptop battery’s become weaker and have limited life spans, and if you have had your laptop for a number of years and the battery isn’t lasting as long as it used to a laptop battery replacement is the best option.

Birmingham Computer Repairs have hand picked a few tips in order to keep your battery as effective as possible for as long possible:

  • Don’t let your battery die out. Before it dies plug it in.
  • Lower the screen brightness.laptop battery issues birmingham
  • Alter the power settings and use ‘Power Saver’.
  • If you are not using the WiFi or Bluetooth turn it off.
  • Do not leave the laptop permanently on charge.
  • Upgrade to an SSD hard drive (Birmingham Computer Repairs supply them).
  • Keep an eye on memory usage.

Applying these tips when your laptop is relatively new will keep your laptop battery working for a lot longer and could save you getting a laptop battery replacement in later years, however if the battery is already on the way out following these tips will do little.

If the laptop isn’t charging at all this could be due to the laptop battery but also a result of the DC Jack being faulty.birmingham laptop battery replacement

Birmingham Computer Repairs have a link with various manufacturers who supply us with genuine and brand new parts and battery’s, if you require a battery replacement contact Birmingham Computer Repairs today on 0121 673 2579 or fill in the contact form. All batterys we supply come with a 12 month warranty.
